Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My what a beautiful day the lord has blessed us with. skys so blue, the morning so cool. the mocking bird is out there having a grand time of it, trying out all his new songs.
 I would like to help along and sing, "This is the day the Lord has made,Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
but you see my little girlies are all sleeping yet, so I need to be quite,so I can finish this first.
I have a load of dresses, in the wash machine washing,
It made me think back to when I was growing up as a girl from ages 2-10 First thing in the morning Mom would fill a big iron kettle with water, build a fire underneath it, to bring it to a boil.then she went out to help milk our 15 cows by hand, and put the milk ,in milk cans, to cool off in a big water though, which was built into the milk house floor, just for this purpose.
by time chores was done the water was boiling.(if the fire did'nt die out on us.)then Mom dipped it out and filled the wringer washer( which was run by a gas moter that sometime refused to strart for her so she always liked to have a early start, while Dad was around, incase she needed his help to get it running.) now she was finally ready to get started, it normaly took about 3hr. to do all the laundry and get it all hung out on the lines. Monday was always wash day. and she was very happy if she got the laundry all washed folded and ironed in one day, but with a family of 8 children. she sure had to keep at it.But if all 3 of us girl did our part it sure made it go fast. May God bless my dear Mom for all she has done for us. 

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