Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good by Logging

I need to update this a bit on July nine my husband quit his logging job, it was just to hard on his health,causing him allergies, and a cough until he had to through up.So on Sat. mourning he called around at diff carpenter crews to see if anyone needs another worker,and nobody did so he drudgingly went for the woods again.
     But that same evening our neighbor call to see if he could come and have a visit with us ,we said sure come on down,then he said that theres a gazebo shop all fixed up and ready to go,and he'd like to buy it, but needs someone to work in it and wondered, if him and the boys are interested in it,and they were so by Monday morning he had a new and better job. doesn't God work in wonderful ways,He see our need and supply's it.   
Heres a picture of what he made.

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