Monday, November 8, 2010

Our home

 this is the office and sewing room what you see is a half inch
layer of cement on top of other cement that was cracked and
soaked through with dog urine which we took up and washed
floor with three moppings of bleach water and then painted it.  
 this is part of the kitchen after it was painted and wall paper
border put up,and cupboard doors put back on that were
hanging on one hinge.  
This is part of living and dining room,this too, is after painting
and papering is done,somehow I lost the before cleaning
pictures on the part of the house.
This is the bedroom was the worst room in the house,
and did it ever stink in there ,being it was the dogs room.
had dark paneling, before we painted it, also painted the
floor after many washings and put carpeting down, making it
almost the nicest room in the house.
This is the living room before any thing was done to it, we did
take this carpet out as simply could not get it clean,
which too got many mopings done then painted to seal off the
smell and put new carpet down,and painted the wall.
This is the dining room the main room being in good condition
only needed to paint it and it was ready, it has a nice wood grain
floor covering it  
This is the kitchen and I really love it. The door goes out to a
enclosed back porch,with our two freezers ,and also a great
place for all our coats and boots.
Pictures of our old house . How it looked before we moved in.

A new giveaway is in the air

If you'd like to join in on some fun, visit the blog of A Joyful chaos and see whats up.if you have never read her posts before you will be in for a treat

Friday, August 27, 2010

My what would we do without the love of friends around us, they decided to have a house warming and grocery shower to welcome us to this new community ,so folks started coming with food and gro. like I'v never seen before,just look at all this stuff on the table,my two little ones hardly know where to begin.
plus theres a whole lot more in the freezer of hamburger,sausage,bacon,ham,summer sausage frozen breads,and cookies, casseroles, how did they all know what we needed , actually I believe it was God. working through the loving hands of his Saints.Once again God has proved himself true, for he said I will supply all your needs.
next time I,m hoping to add some before and after pictures of this house ,if I can figure my camera out, I see I don;t have the dates set right on it. I'm rather new at all this but am slowly learning.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good by Logging

I need to update this a bit on July nine my husband quit his logging job, it was just to hard on his health,causing him allergies, and a cough until he had to through up.So on Sat. mourning he called around at diff carpenter crews to see if anyone needs another worker,and nobody did so he drudgingly went for the woods again.
     But that same evening our neighbor call to see if he could come and have a visit with us ,we said sure come on down,then he said that theres a gazebo shop all fixed up and ready to go,and he'd like to buy it, but needs someone to work in it and wondered, if him and the boys are interested in it,and they were so by Monday morning he had a new and better job. doesn't God work in wonderful ways,He see our need and supply's it.   
Heres a picture of what he made.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moving again

Once again we have packed up and moved to a new location.  We all hope not to ever move again any time soon.Two times within six weeks does keep a person on its toes. We do feel sorry for the owener we were renting from because after we had found another house to rent and were pretty much moved, the buyer they had for their place fell through. But the good part of this move is because instead of 25 miles to church and school,we now only have a half mile. Now isn't that a blessing!

This house is where we had been for six weeks,it was nice and clean ready to move.
Now this other house was a total different story,
Was a empty house for a couple of month,and in great need of painting and cleaning,who ever lived here at one point had ten great Dane dogs in here creating quite a mess and smell.had to take out all the carpeting and realy  scrub everything were planning to just paint the hard wood floor that was under the carpet.because at places the dog urine seeped right through into the wood.we painted it all and someone with a very kind heart heard of it and got things rounded up and ordered carpeting and had it installed and paid for.was so unexpected it was hard to quit know how to handle it.
and then of all things the day we moved two ladies called to see if I have enough curtians for this house,which I didn't. Cause this house has 21windows plus 3 door windows,and can you believe it three of these dear Ladies went together and got rods and curtians and put them all up.
This picture is where we now live, and are just loving it.
Supper time on the evening we moved. and a few of the many willing helpers It took 5 hours to get everything loaded at the first place and unloaded again at second place.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My what a beautiful day the lord has blessed us with. skys so blue, the morning so cool. the mocking bird is out there having a grand time of it, trying out all his new songs.
 I would like to help along and sing, "This is the day the Lord has made,Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
but you see my little girlies are all sleeping yet, so I need to be quite,so I can finish this first.
I have a load of dresses, in the wash machine washing,
It made me think back to when I was growing up as a girl from ages 2-10 First thing in the morning Mom would fill a big iron kettle with water, build a fire underneath it, to bring it to a boil.then she went out to help milk our 15 cows by hand, and put the milk ,in milk cans, to cool off in a big water though, which was built into the milk house floor, just for this purpose.
by time chores was done the water was boiling.(if the fire did'nt die out on us.)then Mom dipped it out and filled the wringer washer( which was run by a gas moter that sometime refused to strart for her so she always liked to have a early start, while Dad was around, incase she needed his help to get it running.) now she was finally ready to get started, it normaly took about 3hr. to do all the laundry and get it all hung out on the lines. Monday was always wash day. and she was very happy if she got the laundry all washed folded and ironed in one day, but with a family of 8 children. she sure had to keep at it.But if all 3 of us girl did our part it sure made it go fast. May God bless my dear Mom for all she has done for us. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Family campfire

Good Morning
thought I'll share some family are all the children sitting on the picnic table enjoying the sight of a camp fire.was a evening of singing , and for supper it was lemonade,popcorn, grilled chicken & potatoe wedges.
according to the date on this picture it was exacly a year before we moved over here.
Which makes me wonder what we'll be doing a year from now.
The sun is shining so brightly this morming and every thing looks fresh and clear
My three men have all gone out logging early this morning,
Last week I got the oppertunity to go down in the woods where they are working,and saw how hard my Dear husband has to work and had me thinking hard , how I can make it easier for him.did talk to him about it, and he say oh never mind it, the best thing for a man is a happy wife and an a clean and cool house to rest up in,I said what about a great big supper?
He says nope keep it simple please,because I'm to hot and tired for a lot.
So how about that,very simple to be a helpmeet.
And yes things seem to be going better in the logging business,He got his truck fixed up last week.Thanks for your prayers everyone but don't quit.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More happenings

May 17, it was still to muddy to do any logging so the men took Dewayne Yoders flat bed trailer home that he so kindly had let us use to move down here to Seymour Mo. and refused to take any pay for the usa of it.Bless his heart.
Honey buns passed a dealers place on the way home and stoped in to see what he has to say about this truck part being on backorder for so long. and he said thers no reason for it and he could do it tomorow in one hours time, if he can bring it in then, so he did,and they took it right in and checked it all out took thing apart and there they had to stop and wait on the insurance company to give them the go ahead, but thankfully they gave Honey buns a rental truck to come home with, took two days for them to fix it.
So finaly May 20,the truck came back home ready to go. OR so we thought, but the auto body shop guy called and said as he went over the paper work and what not he sees that also need to put in a new drive shaft as it looks bad , bring it in on Monday, so away we go again but this time they were able to get right with it. by now we are wondering will we ever get back on our feet .But by the 27th he had four load taken in to the mill,
 And then it Happened , his chain saw got wedged in so tight he could'nt get it out and the tree twisted,and he saw he'd better get himself out of the way or it'll crash down on him so he left the chain saw and got himself out of the way.and the tree came crashing down right on top of the chain saw.but who cares about a broken chain saw as long as Daddy is ok. now he had to go buy another one and there goes most of his long awaited pay check. groan!
But thankfully the next day, which was Friday, they had a load of stave logs to take to a diff. mill where they pay very well on exported lumber.he was very pleased with his big pay check and called home to tell me about it.SMILES things look good again.Thank you Lord things were taken care of just in time. why do we worry so?
And then it happened again, but more nerve wrecking then ever Sonny boy was skidding logs and all of a sudden the tractor started rolling backwards down the hill, and he could'nt think fast enough,and smashed in only one brake instead of both. which caused the tractor to do some strange things, Honey buns was just sure the thing is going to roll over and then Ker-Bang whammed right into the truck ,scotted the truck about a whole foot, and our oldest son was on the other side of the truck looking in the windows to see why the dome light are still on. all of a sudden he heard a scream and a bang and he went flying backwards a foot in the air and sat down hard.the impact was so great.
They were all in a shaking condition by now. with huge eyes, and dropped jaws. can you imagin seeing such a fright
Honey buns calls home, and say well we just had another accident. after I hear all about it I'm wondering is everybody ok? yes, nobodys hurt we are fine I just have to see if I can drive the truck yet.
I said, oh! please won't you just all come home?
Yes, we are planning to, so they all came home, once again we took the truck to the body shop.

Bits and pieces

I'll try my hand on my first blog . Is mostly for my own fun, so for those of you who will read this, its going to be sorta like a diary for me,on every day happenings around here . Also there may be days of reminising on here. we have three lively boys and five sweet girls. so theres plenty for everyone to do around here . Honey buns took over his youngest Bro. logging buisness and had so many small mishappening I think I need to record it. someday it may look funny even if not right now.He got it on May,1,2010 first time ever to be his own age 36 and being married sixteen years.
Always before he worked for someone else,if they had break downs so what.
Now it looks different. even rainy season can become rather long if you really need the income.
May 6, was his first day at work because his truck ended up in the shop. as it didn't shift right, hauling a big load of logs. Thay had to put in a new censer and thought they also need a new govener. which reminds me of a funny thing 8 year old Pearl said, what is wrong with Obama,that they will need a new govener? we said nothings wrong with him. where do you get that idea? he says,well you said, they are trying to get a new govener and can't get him till next week. Here we are talking about truck goveners and he thinks about Presidents and goveners. Pearl says, well! why would you call a truck part a govener? May 7 -11 it rained May12, we moved was the only day of that week it did not rain what a blessing that was .then it rained again May13-15