Monday, September 12, 2011

Every Day Happenings

Thought I,ll try and post a few thoughts today again. Is such a beautiful day sun is shining so brightly and the air so crisp. Gardening is almost past for the summer Potatoes are all dug,got some nice big ones We planted 150 pounds this spring and got approx 400 pounds in return . would be nice to have a bigger garden next year to raise more sweet corn.                                                                                                                                                          Today is Grandpas Birthday making him 62 years old . So the plans are to go over for the eve. with supper.

I'm making laundry soap today which is quick easy and cheap.
Here is the recipe if you wish to make it.
1 bar soap(I have used Zote and Fels Naptha)
1 -1/2 cup 20 mule team Borax
1-1/2 cup Washing Soda ( not baking)
3 Gal. Water
Using a box grater, grate a bar of soap,Bring 1 gal. of water to a simmer,and add grated soap.
Stir until soap has dissolved and water is near boiling.
Add Borax and Soda, stir on med. heat for 10 min.
Pour into a bucket that will easily hold  3 gal. ( I used a 5 gal. pail )
Add 2 gal. of Hot tap water ,Stir occasionally until cooled
mixture will thicken as it cools
Use anywhere from 1/4-1/2 cup per large load of laundry
The Zote makes a pretty soft pink soap 
This makes out to be less then .80 cents per gallon
The only way to get it cheaper is if someone gives you a bottle
 Works in front and H.E.wash machines

Monday, June 13, 2011

calender giveaway

there's a cute giveaway going on if you wish to know what it go over on find out what it is.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A new give away

There is a Great Giveaway here at. if you are not a follower of this Blog mark it, and put it in your favorites,its like reading a book ,and can't lay it down, it keeps you coming back for more.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life is busy

Spring is coming around the corner,or so we thought, had this great plan of getting my oldest son to fill up the cold frame with compost an dirt,then as soon as I come home from our young ladies sewing of making dresses for our girls I wanted to plant all the garden goodies, now it surprised us in the night with rain an ice,so will have to wait a bit longer,
My days are filled with cooking, cleaning,laundry Teaching and training 8children for the Lord,And our home based business as a Independent Reliv Distributor . We are at the point of Honey Buns stepping in to help more,as it grows.there are so many sick and needy folks out there in need of better health, its such a blessing to watch them get well.